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  • 14:17 International Kindle 2 coming 10/19. Wireless fee confusing $1.99 per doc but Taiwan page says "Free Wireless" #
  • 16:21 Good news: police reports that one of our employees admitted to the recent theft. #
  • 18:03 Official reply from Amazon: Kindle International $1.99 download fee applies ONLY to US Customers traveling outside the US. #
  • 18:13 However, it looks like books are $2 more across the board in the International Kindle Store. 🙁 #
  • 19:31 Here’s a great summary of where the Kindle International is available in table form: #

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  • 14:12 我不好睡. >:( #
  • 16:38 Somehow I missed this great lecture: Tom Woods "Lectures on Liberty" (watch all parts!) #
  • 19:54 Enjoying Moon Festival BBQ at home. Steak with B.B. Hot Sauce (美美辣醬), fresh baked bread and Belgian beer for me. #
  • 20:29 Emily took over DJ duties… so now we have Disney Songs. #
  • 01:38 Big quake just now. #
  • 01:43 M 6.3 花蓮西林地震站東南方 22.8 公里 2009-10-04 01:36 #116 (1004013663116) #
  • 01:43 M 6.3 35.6 km S of Hualien City 2009-10-04 01:36 #116 (1004013663116) #
  • 01:49 #

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