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This is the TEST shipment you asked for

  • 18:29 – Emily’s birthday #
  • 18:28 – Birthday girl #
  • 11:59 Got new Alien Resident Card yesterday, got renewed Driver’s License and new International Driver’s License today. #
  • 19:28 – Turkey #
  • 03:24 AVG 9 and TotalMedia Theatre are both annoying me a lot today. #
  • 22:14 Sarah, Dad has arrived. #
  • 12:42 @JennBerk Google says 866-289-7641 are dodgy bill collectors. #
  • 12:39 Dad arriving in less than 9 hours. #
  • 18:50 Kindle 2.3 software upgrade available. Has native PDF reader and page rotation. #
  • 13:05 @vpslink network outage? can’t reach my vps or traceroute ends up in London!?!! #
  • 12:29 – Apple! Pears! … Banana? #
  • 12:43 Want to see the hacked climate fraud emails for yourself? FOI2009 on usenet. #
  • 17:47 Applied for my new Alien Resident Certificate today. #
  • 11:40 New for Kindle: "Conscience of a Conservative" Barry Goldwater "Never Ask The End" Isabel Paterson #
  • 01:08 Accounting is done! *dance* #
  • 17:02 adds Alex Toys to their lineup: #
  • 13:33 still accounting #
  • 12:13 Finally over my cough/cold. Today have to do accounting. 🙁 #
  • 20:32 Felt two quakes tonight, 6.0 and 5.7. Centered near Nantou City. #
  • 13:17 Warning: "Atlas Shrugged" and "Fountainhead" ebooks sold by Fictionwise are both riddled with errors (spelling, OCR). But did get refund. #

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