Busy Day

Today started off being woken up by 小左, one of my employees calling to say that nobody was there to open the door. Apparently it was my assistant manager 阿凱’s day off but someone forgot to send me a memo. Anyways, that resulted in a quick dash to the shop to open things up.

Then the neighbor who lives in the building behind the shop came to complain about our air conditioner. I hadn’t really noticed it before, but one air conditioner’s exhaust points straight at his rear window, and the other points straight at his rear door. The result being that his back room was roasting these hot days with the AC frequently on.

Being a good neighbor, I got a handyman to come over who installed some fin-like gadgets to the AC which redirected the airflow up instead of straight back. The nice thing about Taiwan is you can get stuff like that done with a moment’s notice, so within 2 hours the problem was solved.

If you’ll recall, shortly after opening someone dropped the tune press and broke off the handle. I ordered a new one but to save money on shipping costs I had it shipped to my mail forwarder. I hadn’t heard anything in a while so I asked the Subway coordinator for my store to check up on it. She replied that it showed as having been delivered on June 19th.

My mail forwarder has a nifty system where any new arrival results in an email to me and then is logged in my web account with them. Needless to say, it hadn’t shown up there. I wrote to their support address and they reported back that they didn’t have any record of a package with that tracking number on it, and requesting more information.

I replied with as much as I could and the key piece of information turns out to be that it was for a Subway store. It turns out that somewhere along the line both the mailbox number and my name were dropped from the address on the package. It also so happens that right next door to my mail forwarder, there’s a Subway restaurant. In the confusion it got delivered there instead.

I’m very impressed with the response from my mail forwarder. They were able to figure out what happened even in a fairly complex problem like this. If anyone is looking for a US based mail forwarder, check out US Global Mail.

Also check out this satellite picture from Google Maps. The red “C” is the Subway restaurant and the building to the left is presumably my mail forwarder.

That mystery solved, it’s now on its way here thanks to Fedex.

Subway is having a special promotion tomorrow with the local baseball team the Chinatrust Whales. You can read more about it, or at least you can if you read Chinese. Basically they will have an eating contest to see who can eat Subway sandwiches fastest, and they will also give out gift certificates to some lucky fans.

I also found out today that we did the invoice logs incorrectly for May and June. We were told to write down the gross receipts for each day, but it turns out we’re supposed to write down the gross amount minus the value of voided receipts. Fortunately the Subway paperwork has all this information, but it means redoing a bunch of work.

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