Business update

I haven’t updated on how the Subway store is going in a while. Some of you assume that this is because I’m busy. The actual reason is that really, there’s not a whole lot of interest to say.

Things have been going pretty well. We’re at the one month anniversary today. Yesterday finished our fifth business week (Subway business week is Wednesday through Tuesday). Our first (partial week) we lost money, the second week we broke even, and the following two weeks had a decent profit.

I just finished the paperwork for last week and it was the first one where we ended with a very good profit. It’s also the first week that I made more than my manager.

There’s two main factors that made it a good week. First, productivity has increased through a combination of workers performing better and the work schedule being more efficient. The second is that sales have been steadily increasing.

It also doesn’t hurt that the weather has been pretty good, except for some afternoon rain.

2 thoughts on “Business update”

  1. Jim,
    You mentioned about rainy days affecting business, this might be an idea for you. Trent learned it during a business trip down to So Cal, He was working at a customer site in Pasadena. It was a rainy day, so during lunch, people he worked with took him to Subway. They said that during rainy days they automatically go to Subway for their “Rainy Day special”. So this Subway posted a big sign about rainy day special, which is sandwich plus drink for a good price. You might want to think about this, and actually capture business on rainy days.

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