Things have been a bit busy lately preparing for the takeover of the new store. By Thursday the last of the contracts should be signed and then I’ll feel free to let you know which store I’m buying. The transfer is currently scheduled for me to take over the store starting on 12/27.
Today was a bit of an adventure in my current store. Due to a building fire nearby, electricity was turned off for the store this morning until shortly after noon. Being able to get back under way at noon would have saved most of the lunch hour, but the outage had interrupted our bread baking, so we didn’t have bread at lunch time. Salad only. 🙁
This was somewhat compensated for by what happened in the afternoon. At 3pm over a dozen people walked in the door. They were all English teachers from the nearby Hess school who were in training today and came over for their break. However, we only had one person on duty at that time which was nowhere near enough. Fortunately I was there and so there was the rare occurrence of seeing me with cap and apron on and making sandwiches. Between the two of us we managed to get through everyone before their half hour break was over.